Prescription Drugs Recovery

Chances are you were injured or found yourself in the hospital. The doctor prescribed a drug and you followed the directions... that is, until it became convenient to misuse the medication or take somebody else's.

Abusing prescription drugs is an addiction which can happen to nearly anyone. Nearly 6% of the U.S. population has abused prescription drugs.

Recovery begins with attending a support group meeting or talking to a counselor/peer support specialist.

Support groups:

Narcotic Anonymous
Dual Recovery Anonymous
Secular Organizations for Sobriety
SMART Recovery
LifeRing Secular Recovery

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Most misused prescription drugs

Opioids and pain relievers (hydrocodone, oxycontin)
Depressants (benzos such as xanax and valium)
Stimulants (ADHD medication: adderall, ritalin)

Abusing prescription drugs

This can be considered a well hidden addiction until there are wild changes in behavior, more risks are taken, and multiple prescriptions are gathered.

a man walking across a rope on top of a mountain
a man walking across a rope on top of a mountain
red and white store front
red and white store front
photo of woman wearing purple lipstick and black crew-neck shirt
photo of woman wearing purple lipstick and black crew-neck shirt
There's always a chance for recovery

Despite how many times you have tried before and possibly relapsed, there's always another chance.

Determined Creek